Monday, December 30, 2019

COVER REVEAL -- Bad Alibi (Redemption Series #1) by Jessica Prince

Title: Bad Alibi
Author: Jessica Prince
Series: Redemption
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 13, 2020

You first met the sexy biker, Cannon Banks in Out of the Darkness.
Now he gets his own story in the first book of a brand new series!
Are you ready to travel back to his home town of Redemption, Tennessee?
It’s going to be a wild ride.

Having grown up trapped in a gilded cage, the events of one tragic night changed everything.
Farah Highland was raised with more money than most people could ever dream of, but with that wealth and privilege came cold indifference and cruelty. Determined to start living for herself, Farah cut ties with everything and everyone she’d ever known for the chance at starting over in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains.
Notorious town playboy, Cannon Banks grew up living the good life. He had it all, loving parents, good friends, and a face and body that drove women wild. Love and commitment were the last things on his mind . . . until he locked eyes with a woman across a crowded bar, and everything changed in a heartbeat.
There’s just one problem. Bad Alibi’s newest waitress wants nothing to do with him. But he’s nothing if not determined.
Cannon and Farah are about to enter into a battle of wills.
May the best man . . . or woman, win.


Pre-Order Today! Releasing January 13th!

Read for #free with #KindleUnlimited

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Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all.
Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.
In addition to being a wife and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference. Not that she’d expect a boy to understand.
Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.
Sign up for Jessica’s Newsletter

Friday, December 27, 2019

RELEASE BLITZ AND REVIEW -- The Doctor Will See You by Lana Brazen

Title: The Doctor Will See You
Author: Lana Brazen
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Erotica
Release Date: December 26, 2019


He wasn't a doctor, and she wasn't a patient.
But she had needs, and he fit the prognosis.

Lana Blasen is a forty-something, divorcΓ©e frustrated by dating in the modern age. 
A chance encounter in a coffee shop introduces her to an awakening she hadn't ever considered.

Dr. James Lubton works wonders as the third person in a party of three.
But what happens when he wants to be the other side of only a pair?

In an erotic relationship, when role-playing becomes more than an act, a deeper connection is diagnosed, and emotions could be a side effect when the doctor will see you…

‘The Doctor Will See You’ is a short erotic tale of pure pleasure.

Purchase Links

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Free in Kindle Unlimited


I didn’t know what I’d gotten myself into. Recently divorced, I’d met a young woman who just listened to me rant. I didn’t know why I felt the need to expound my current sexual status on her, but the dating apps had frustrated me. Who could you trust on there? Singles adventure clubs? The annual fees were high, and only half the activities interested me. And then there were the simple singles bars, which I entered once before turning right back around and leaving.

Being unmarried sucked in this aspect. The issue was I still wanted sex. I didn’t want to be alone with only my fingers. I wanted the feel of a man—the wet of his tongue, the curl of his fingers, and the strength of his hands on me—and I was getting desperate.

“Have you ever considered swinging?” she suggested, and I nearly fell off my chair. A southern Florida coffee shop seemed like the last place to have this kind of discussion and with a stranger, no less, but she didn’t look like a social deviant. In fact, she looked normal. Average in height, dark brunette hair, the body of someone still youthful, with friendly eyes, and a wedding band.

“Never thought of it,” I said after choking on my tea.
She paused for a moment as if she were assessing me and then added, “Not everyone who swings is married. Some are in relationships, and some are single. People participate in all manner of combinations. Couples who want a third party or a single participant looking for a couple who shares. Sometimes, it’s just a mutual agreement between three, but the term comes more so from those looking to experiment within a relationship.”

I stare down at my paper placemat, uncertain how to respond. It sounded crazy and a bit obscene, but I wasn’t one to judge. I was jealous, in a way. Maybe if Stan and I had experimented more or been a bit more adventurous, things wouldn’t have gotten to the point where they ended. Especially with him in the bed of his secretary.

“Here’s my name,” she said, offering it on a paper napkin along with a phone number. “If you have any questions. Otherwise, I’d recommend contacting this number. He’s a doctor.” She winked after handing me the napkin, and I took it, smiling good-naturedly even though I knew I’d never call.

However, the numbers haunted me, and a week later, when I was cleaning out the old receipts in my purse, the napkin remained intact with her perfect script and two phone numbers, the second marked with an asterisk.

“Dr. Lubton’s office,” a masculine voice answers on the second ring, and the professional confidence in his voice surprises me.

“I…I’m looking for the doctor.” I swallow back the sudden stutter. “Jessica DeMarco suggested I call.”

A heavy pause of silence weighs through the phone for a second, and I wonder if I’ve lost the connection. “Hello?”

“Were you looking for a full exam?” he questions, and I remember Jessica mentioning to request such a thing. I nod, and then recall he can’t see me.


“And will your husband be joining you?” I blink down at the napkin, pinched between my fingers.

“I don’t have a husband.” Silence falls again, and after another weighted second, I ask, “Do I need one?”

A soft chuckle fills the line, reassuring instead of mocking. “No.” Pause. “But may I ask if this will be your first exam of this sort?”

Closing my eyes, I think, What am I doing? I’m no longer certain, and not certain how to answer, so I go with the truth. 


“I see, and for the purposes of an initial consultation, would you prefer an assistant be in the room?”

Did I want someone else present? A witness to my humiliation? Again, I wasn’t certain what exactly I was getting myself into, any more than I knew how to answer the question. Deciding that embarrassing myself in my lack of knowledge should best be done alone, I reply, “I think I’ll be okay without one.”

“Very well.” There wasn’t a hint of a smile or frown in his tone, but the continued smoothness of a true doctor. Good bedside manner. I want to laugh out loud at the pun. Instead, I wait for his instructions on how to proceed.

“I have an eleven o’clock on Thursday open.” It’s strange to consider he does this more than one time a day with more than one person, possibly more than one person at a time, and I realize I’m at great risk of making a fool of myself. Not to mention, can I muster my libido midmorning on a weekday? Remain open-minded, I remind myself. He called it a consultation. Maybe he really is a doctor. Maybe we only discuss options. Maybe he can explain what’s happening to me at forty-five as a single woman, previously married, and desperately seeking pleasure.

“Thursday would be fine,” I say, knowing my calendar is flexible. I’m a real estate agent. The southern Florida market ebbs and flows based on weather predictions and the hurricane season. I’m mildly successful but wish I was doing better. Older people are a key to my accomplishments, and I fear one day I’ll be classified as one of them. Old.

“Please dress comfortably and be prepared to sign a consent form.” The instructions surprise me, and once again, I nod. “I look forward to meeting you.”


I loved this debut by Lana Brazen, the alter ego of one of my favorite authors for mature romance. This was quite a different take on how a 40-something divorcee jumps into the single life again. Besides being ridiculously HAWT, there was surprisingly quite a bit of story for such a short, steamy read. I wouldn't suggest reading it in public and you might also want to keep a fan handy.
I'm pretty excited to see what comes next in this Pure Pleasure series.

Author Bio

Lana Brazen is the alter ego of a bestselling contemporary romance author who believes romance doesn’t need to end just because you crossed over forty. In a fantasy life, she was an anthropologist, a journalist and a world-famous novelist on the level of F. Scott Fitzgerald. None of that has happened. Instead, she’s written over twenty romances, mothered four children and remains with the one and only. Sometimes, she likes things a little hotter, spicier, raunchier than contemporary trysts, and so begins this chapter.

Author Links

TEASER REVEAL -- Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) by Ashley Jade

RUTHLESS KNIGHT (Royal Hearts Academy #2) by Ashley Jade Release Date: January 21st
Make sure to vote for RUTHLESS KNIGHT for January’s Most Anticipated Reads:
Apple Books:  
Barnes and Noble:  

Royal Hearts Academy is a series of standalones, but you can catch up with the first book, Cruel Prince, right here: 
Apple Books :  
Barnes and Noble:  
Blurb: Welcome to their kingdom

Cole Covington is the most popular heartbreaker at school. Every guy wants to be him and every girl wants to screw him. Except me. His devastatingly good looks, golden arm, and flirty smiles don't do it for me anymore...because I know what's lurking underneath the star quarterback's gorgeous armor.
At least I thought I did.

Sometimes the most beautiful people...hide the ugliest truths.

And sometimes the only way to save someone... is to walk beside them through hell.

Sawyer Church is the bible-thumping nerd of Royal Hearts Academy. Girls pick on her and guys don't notice her. Except me. Sweet, curvy, and sarcastic, she's impossible to ignore. No matter how much I try. Everyone at school has her pegged as the chubby, Jesus loving geek, but unlike them—Sawyer's real and never pretends to be someone she's not.
Until I ask her to be my fake girlfriend.

Sometimes the most beautiful souls...hide the greatest pain.

And sometimes the only way to save someone... is to fight for them.

About the Author:  
Ashley Jade loves to tackle different genres and tropes within romance. Her first loves are New Adult Romance and Romantic Suspense, but she also writes everything in between including: contemporary romance, erotica, and dark romance.
Her characters are flawed and complex, and chances are you will hate them before you fall head over heels in love with them.
She’s a die-hard lover of oxford commas, em dashes, music, coffee, and anything thought provoking…except for math.
Books make her heart beat faster and writing makes her soul come alive. She’s always read books growing up and scribbled stories in her journal, and after having a strange dream one night; she decided to just go for it and publish her first series.
It was the best decision she ever made.
If she’s not paying off student loan debt, working, or writing a novel—you can usually find her listening to music, hanging out with her readers online, and pondering the meaning of life.
Check out her amazon page and Facebook page for future novels. She recently became hip and joined Twitter, so you can find her there, too. She loves connecting with her readers—they make her world go round’. 

Connect w/Ashley:  

Thursday, December 19, 2019

RELEASE BLITZ AND REVIEW -- Manhattan by Kandi Steiner

Manhattan - RB banner.jpg
Manhattan, a standalone in the Becker Brothers series, a small town, country, friends-to-lovers romance, is LIVE!
The fire... the guitar... THE FEELS!
Manhattan Cover FINAL.png
Everyone knows not to fall in love with your best friend.
But when your best friend is Michael Becker, it’s impossible not to.
He’s everything our town knows a Becker brother to be: devastatingly handsome, charming as a thief, and the icing on the cake — a sentimental musician who’s never without his guitar.
And he was mine. At least, that’s what I’d convinced myself.
Our bond was born in elementary school, strengthened by circumstance and the promise to always be there for each other, no matter what. And the best thing about my life was being friends with Michael Becker.
Until it was the worst.
I watched him fall in love with someone else, and helped patch him back up when she left him behind. But when he drops the bomb that he’s moving to New York, I realize it’s my last chance to tell him how I feel. And I ask him to make one more promise.
One summer. One list of adventures to remind him that our small town has more to offer than memories of the girl who left him behind.
One last chance to tell him I’m in love with him.
And I’m just dumb enough to believe that maybe he could love me, too.
You'll love this book if you love:
➔ small town romance
➔ country romance
➔ summer romance
➔ romantic mystery
➔ friends-to-lovers
➔ slow burn
➔ angst
Download your copy today or read FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
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The Becker family is back with Manhattan, Michael (the youngest brother) and Kylie's story. These two have been best friends since they were eight years old. Even though Kylie feels much more than friends, Mikey is clueless to that fact as he is suffering from a broken heart after his long-time girlfriend broke things off and left town. All he wants to do is leave everything behind and start over in New York in the Fall while Kylie is doing her best to remind him of everything he loved about their town, hoping to get him to change his mind.

I really enjoyed this friends-to-lovers romance even though I got frustrated with Michael in the beginning for not seeing what was right in front of him. I was so happy when he woke up and realized what he had had all along. These two were just perfection together and their story was very sweet--ahhh, young love. I adored seeing all the brothers again with their significant others and their interactions with each other and their mom (the dancing gets me every time.)  Once again, Betty was one of my favorite characters--I just get a kick out of her real-world advice. This is a cast of characters that I have really come to love.

I'm addicted to this series and can't wait for the next (and final) book, about the oldest Becker brother, Jordan.

While all of the books in this series are complete stories for each couple and can be read as stand-alones, there is an ongoing mystery throughout the series, so I would suggest reading in order.

Release Blitz Teaser.png
About Kandi:
Kandi Steiner is a bestselling author and whiskey connoisseur living in Tampa, FL. Best known for writing “emotional rollercoaster” stories, she loves bringing flawed characters to life and writing about real, raw romance — in all its forms. No two Kandi Steiner books are the same, and if you’re a lover of angsty, emotional, and inspirational reads, she’s your gal.
An alumna of the University of Central Florida, Kandi graduated with a double major in Creative Writing and Advertising/PR with a minor in Women’s Studies. She started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a diehard hopeless romantic, and likes to highlight all the challenges of love as well as the triumphs.
When Kandi isn’t writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys live music, traveling, anything heavy in carbs, beach days, movie marathons, craft beer and sweet wine — not necessarily in that order.
Connect with Kandi:
Mailing List:
Facebook Reader Group: (Kandiland):
Kandi Steiner may be coming to a city near you! Check out her “events” tab to see all the signings she’s attending in the near future:

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

COVER REVEAL -- Focused by Karla Sorensen

Title: Focused
Author: Karla Sorensen
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2020  
Cover Design: Najla Qamber 
Designs Photographer: Regina Wamba

If you've ever seen your teenage crush ten years later, and he turns out to be a complete jerk, then you know how Molly Ward feels. 
The last time she saw Noah Griffin was the regrettable day that she decided to climb into his bedroom window and turn her unrequited crush into something more. 
That day was bad enough, but things are about to get worse. 
Noah has become one of the best football players in the country, and he’s just landed on Molly’s front step. 
As a new addition to the Washington Wolves roster, Noah's presence is the key to Molly’s promotion in the front office. 
The problem is, Noah wants nothing to do with Molly, and his surly attitude is making her job very difficult. 
But he's got another thing coming if he thinks Molly will be intimidated by one grumpy football player, no matter how much he hates being around her. 
Once these two go head to head, their mutual dislike explodes into undeniable chemistry. But with what they have at stake, they just might detonate everything else along with it.

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. If the things that I write bring a smile to someone's face, then I've done my job. I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

RELEASE BLITZ AND REVIEW -- Tequila by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

It’s finally here! Tequila by Dr. Rebbeca Sharp is LIVE! #OneClick today!
From bestselling author, Dr. Rebecca Sharp, comes a new and sexy rescue romance standalone novel....   

 A pilot, a park ranger, and a bottle of tequila sit down at a bar. One shot. One kiss. One night together on top of the Rockies changed everything… until morning rolled around.    

Six years later, Shay Covington returns to Colorado. Famous. The best fighter pilot in the Air Force. Infamous. Pulled from her command and fleeing her shadow of shame. When torrential rains strand her in town, the mountain man who rescues her is none other than Logan Daniels - the Park Ranger she disappeared on after one night.   

 Shock. Logan never thought he’d see his tequila girl again. Betrayal. She hadn’t even given him her real name. Unfortunately, with highways closed and hotels full, he has only one choice: to bring Shay home with him.    

But this time, fate decides to give them more than a single night.   

By morning, they’re trapped by one of the worst floods Estes Park has ever seen. Shay and Logan join the rescue effort, but as the water rages and danger rises, so does the attraction between them.    

When disaster tips the balance between duty and desire, and secrets float to the surface, can they risk their hearts as easily as they’ve risked their lives?    

Add TEQUILA to your Goodreads TBR:   

Amazon Universal: 

This was my first book by Dr. Rebecca Sharp and I enjoyed it very much. The hero, Logan, was pretty swoon-worthy--I kinda loved him. The heroine, Shay, was a little harder for me to like. She was rough around the edges, but being a female fighter pilot, I can see where she would have to be. I don't think I've ever read a female character with that profession and it was super cool.  I love that all the books in this series are based on songs. This one being Tequila by Dan and Shay. The writing flowed well and overall, I thought it was a really good start to the new series. 

To celebrate the release of Tequila, Rebecca Sharp is giving away an Amazon gift card and a signed paperback! 
Head to her Facebook page to enter:   


Dr. Rebecca Sharp, while using a pen name, is actually a doctor living in Pennsylvania with her husband - the love of her life. She enjoys working in her practice with her father as well as letting her creativity run free as an author. Growing up she's always loved a good love story and finally decided to give writing one of her own a go. After graduating with her doctoral degree, she now enjoys spending that thing called free time traveling with her husband, cooking, and knitting.