Friday, March 6, 2020

RELEASE BLITZ AND REVIEW -- Emeralds (Tarnished Crowns Trilogy #3) by Annie Dyer

Title: Emeralds
Series: Tarnished Crowns Trilogy #3
Author: Annie Dyer
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March 6, 2020


A coronation with a tarnished crown. Worn by who? 

I have stolen hearts that weren’t mine to take. Betrayed my country for the sake of another night in my lovers’ bed. Lied to the people I said I loved.

All for the tarnished crown of an empire than can no longer exist.

The first time I saw Blair I forgot what I was meant to be.
The last time I saw Ben, I remembered.

I am the kingmaker.
The fixer.
The healer.

I am the one who can end this.

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4.5 stars
Emeralds is book three in the Tarnished Crowns trilogy and can NOT be read as a stand-alone. You must read Chandelier and Grenade prior to this one.  

Now that we have that out of the way...
HOLY CRAP, what did I just read?! 
Let me tell you, this whole series has been a crazy, twisty roller coaster ride. I don't know how Annie Dyer came up with the concept for this series or how she navigated us through it to the other side but wow, I'm so very impressed with this author. I'm not going to give away anything. I'll just tell you, ALL of your questions will be answered. All of the secrets will be revealed. Everything will make sense in the end. You'll wonder how you're going to get there, but get there, you will and you'll enjoy the heck out of the ride.  This was just a fantastic ending to a unique, suspenseful journey that I won't soon forget. Highly recommend!

Series Trailer

Also Available

FREE for a very limited time!


Always free in Kindle Unlimited


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Author Bio

Annie lives in the north of England, not too far from the amazing city of Manchester. She is owned by several cats and many hens, narrowly avoiding being a mad cat woman by enslaving a very understanding husband. She's an avid reader of many genres and if she's not writing a book, she's usually reading one!

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