Wednesday, September 18, 2019

RELEASE BLITZ AND REVIEW -- Neat by Kandi Steiner

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"Rival families. Deep secrets. Exact opposites who can't help but cross all the lines. Neat will leave you thirsty for more Becker Brothers!" -- bestselling author Staci Hart

Neat, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by Kandi Steiner is LIVE!
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My life is over.
I swore I would never work at the whiskey distillery with my last name on it, that I would never be a part of my father’s legacy. But when I graduated with my art degree and realized there were no jobs, the devil appeared, and I sold my soul, agreeing to work in the family business if he’d give me the art studio I’d always dreamed of.
It can’t be that bad, I thought.
Until I realized my new boss was Logan Becker.
The Becker brothers have a reputation for being trouble, and since I love trouble, it’s no surprise to me that I’m infatuated by that forbidden fruit the first day I walk into the distillery. That lean, whiskey-eyed, too-hot-for-his-own-good man hates me — and I can’t blame him. His family has been at war with mine for decades, and for good reason.
The Beckers and the Scooters are the Montagues and Capulets of Stratford, Tennessee.
But if he’s Romeo, and I’m Juliet? Well… we all know how that story ends — and for that reason, I tell myself to steer clear.
Because if my father finds out I’m falling for Logan Becker, my life actually will be over.
And Logan’s will be, too.
Neat is a stand-alone book in the Becker Brothers Series.
➔ Small town
➔ Country
➔ Romeo & Juliet vibes
➔ Angst paradise
➔ Holiday romance
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“So… I guess we should just be…” Logan swallowed. “Friends?”
The way he asked it, the way his eyebrows bent together, his lips flattening — I knew it was a
hollow offer. 
I nodded. “Sure. Of course.” A smile that felt like a wave of nausea found my lips. “Friends.”
Logan watched me, and I watched him, both of us waiting for something more. It seemed like
there were a million unborn words between us, floating in the air, waiting for us to reach out
and grab them and bring them to life. When a long moment of silence had passed, Logan bit
the inside of his cheek, picking up his highlighter he’d abandoned on the desk when I’d
walked in like he was ready to get back to work.
“But,” I said, and his eyes snapped to mine, the highlighter frozen over the page. “I mean…
there’s another option, isn’t there?”
Logan dropped the highlighter, leaning back again. “There is?”
“I’m just saying,” I said, voice shakier than I wanted it to be in that moment. I took a sip of
my coffee, shrugging. “What if we kept things low key… casual… just between us?” My eyes
found his again. “It is what it is, and it’s not what it’s not. Right? No need for anyone to
“Low key,” Logan repeated, like he was tasting the words, checking them for poison with his
tongue. “So, friends… with benefits.”
I snorted. “If you want to be twenty-one about it, sure.”
Logan nodded, over and over, just a slight movement of his chin up and down as he
considered it. I watched him as he stood, and I expected him to start pacing the office, but
instead, he crossed it, closing his door and turning to face me.
His eyes swept over me, sparking a fire low in my stomach.
He wet his lips.
He took a step.
And then I was out of my chair, meeting him in the middle, the two of us crashing together
like magnets. 
His hands weaved into my hair when he captured my mouth with his own, both of us sighing
on an inhale, moaning on the exhale, leaning into each other like we could somehow melt
together completely. All the electricity I’d felt that night came back like a tidal wave, and I
surrendered to the waves, letting them drown me. I wanted him to fill my lungs, to conquer
every breath, to imprison me. 
It was a kiss that told me we were both lying. We both wanted more.
But if it was a choice between this, or nothing at all?
There wasn’t a decision to make — not where I was concerned. It had already been made for
 us, without either of us having a say, without either of us having an ounce of control to throw
this story in another direction.
We were inevitable, me and him. 
And maybe we knew it from the start. 
Logan backed me up to the desk, and when my ass hit it, I hiked both legs up, wrapping them
around his waist and squeezing. He hissed, sucking my bottom lip between his teeth and
releasing it with a pop, his hips rolling against mine. I broke the kiss to let out a gasp, and his
mouth was on my neck in an instant, sucking and biting, my eyes rolling back at the contact. 
He paused with his lips by my ear, breathing heavy. “I think this could work for me,” he
whispered, running his tongue over my ear lobe. “This… friends agreement.” His hands
squeezed where they held my hips, and the familiar pressure sent flashes of Saturday night
barreling through my memory. I gasped, mouth still hanging open when he kissed my neck
over to the opposite ear to whisper again. “What do you think?”
Against the voice inside me warning me not to, I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping
those dark strands and pulling his lips back to mine. 
That kiss was an answer. 
That kiss was a lie.
And distantly, I realized that kiss might be the biggest mistake of my life.


Gah! These Becker brothers! I can't get enough.

This series revolves around the Becker brothers and their legacy to the the Scooter Whiskey Distillery. While each book is a complete story of a brother and his lady love, there is a bit of a mystery that weaves though the background, so I would recommend reading this one is order.

This is book two of the series and gives us the story of Logan, the third Becker son, who is the head tour guide at the whiskey distillery. His world is turned upside down when Mallory Scooter returns to town to work as a distillery tour guide (and he worries--possibly take his job) and he is tasked to train her. The Beckers and the Scooters are basically the Montagues and Capulets of Stratford, Tennessee, so when these two start to catch feelings, they know that it is going to be an uphill battle.  

"We were the son and daughter of a bitter rival sparked to life decades ago and still burning hot today."

I loved these two! Watching them fight their feelings when they were so drawn together just broke my heart. They were the definition of opposites attract--they couldn't be more different and yet they just fit together flawlessy.  Logan was a bit of a nerd, so swoon-worthy and loyal to his family and Mallory was just a fiesty, fun heroine who wanted to be her own person, outside of her family history. 

 "Do you think there's a universe that exists where you could be mine?"
"Let's make one."

The story pace and writing was excellent. I couldn't put it down and read this in one sitting. I can't wait to see what Kandi Steiner has in store with the other two Becker boys. I'm also itching to find out how this mystery plays out.  I loved it and highly recommend it!

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