Friday, February 14, 2020

RELEASE BLITZ AND REVIEW -- Grenade (Tarnished Crown Trilogy #2) by Annie Dyer

Title: Grenade
Series: Tarnished Crowns Trilogy #2
Author: Annie Dyer
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 14, 2020


I'm their lover. Their grenade. And grenades explode.

Outside, a quiet war wages between two fractured countries.
Inside, I have been blasted by my own explosion.

Torn into pieces.
I am a protector - for her.
A lover - to both.
A traitor - to all.

We have all been on our knees at the feet of someone else.
We have all spent nights escaping in our shared beds.
We all want to wear this tarnished crown.
Blair. Isaac.
And me.

The grenade.

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Free in Kindle Unlimited

*This is book two of a trilogy. They must be read in order. If you haven't read Chandelier, stop what you're doing and go there now.
Annie Dyer has blown me away with this second book of the Tarnished Crown Trilogy. The way that she weaves this story is just unbelievable amazing. I'm pretty sure I spent most of my reading time with my mouth hanging open, just like the first book.  Grenade gives us Ben's point of view and even being in his head, I'm still not convinced that he can be trusted. That's basically every character--who is telling the truth? Who can be trusted? I'm still not sure but I was on the edge of my seat throughout this whole book.  A few questions have been answered, but then there are more questions that have been added as the plot thickens. This one was much more fast-paced than the first book and I was completely riveted from page one. I can't wait to find out what will be revealed in book three, Emeralds, and what will become of Blair, Ben, Isaac and Scotland.

Series Trailer

Also Available


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Coming Soon

Releasing March 6


Author Bio

Annie lives in the north of England, not too far from the amazing city of Manchester. She is owned by several cats and many hens, narrowly avoiding being a mad cat woman by enslaving a very understanding husband. She's an avid reader of many genres and if she's not writing a book, she's usually reading one!

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