Wednesday, October 23, 2019

BLOG TOUR AND REVIEW -- Beautifully Broken Spirit (The Sutter Lake Series) by Catherine Cowles

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“Beautifully Broken Spirit is a beautiful, emotional and memorable friends-to-lovers romance with a dash of intrigue and suspense that ensures you stay on the edge of your seat.”-- Frolic

Beautifully Broken Spirit, an all-new beautiful and emotional standalone in the Sutter Lake Series from Catherine Cowles is available now!

Beautifully Broken Spirit AMAZON
She’s always been his safe place to land.
Jensen has shared a special bond with Tuck for as long as she can remember, their friendship a language that never needed words. But as life threw her one curveball after another, that secret language turned to stony silence.
He’s always been her protector.
Tuck has looked out for Jensen since the day she was born. As his best friend’s little sister, he’s tried to keep her firmly in the friend category. But she’s always been more.
All it takes is one moment of weakness to send Tuck’s fiercely guarded walls crumbling to the ground. As a new fire burns between them, someone watches. Someone who doesn’t like the new life Jensen’s building for herself.
And they’ll stop at nothing to keep her in the dark.
Download your copy!
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BBS-ground him to this earth
     “Hey, Little J.”

      My entire world seemed to tunnel as my vision went black, and my knees buckled.

      “Shit!” Strong hands caught me before I could hit the floor. I blinked rapidly as Tuck’s face came into focus. His expression was full of worry. “Are you okay?” He settled me into one of the café chairs.  

      My stomach pitched. “I’m fine. Just got up too fast. You startled me.”  

      Tuck’s brow furrowed. “The door was unlocked.”

     “Well, I thought I’d locked it.”

       Tuck let out a sound that was a cross between a sigh and a growl of frustration. “You need to be more careful. Anyone could’ve come in here, and you wouldn’t have even known. Just because we live in a small town doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions.”

      I pinned him with a stare that should’ve had him taking a step back. “I know that. Believe me, I of all people fucking know that.”  

      Tuck winced. “I didn’t mean it like that.”  
      I waved him off. “I know.” I pushed up to stand, but the world turned wobbly again, and Tuck pressed me back into the chair.  

      “Oh, no, you don’t. When’s the last time you had something to eat?”

       I tried to think back. I guess I had missed lunch. “A granola bar in the car on the way to drop Noah off at school?”  

      This time Tuck did growl. “You need to take better care of yourself.”  

      My skin prickled. “I take fine care of myself, you big behemoth.”

     “I’m not seeing a whole lot of evidence of that lately. You take care of everyone but yourself.” I opened my mouth to argue, but he kept right on going. “You stay right here while I go fix you a snack.” Tuck pinned me with a hard gaze. “You move a muscle, and I will paddle your ass.”  

     My jaw came unhinged, but simmering heat pooled low in my belly. My hands fisted. What the hell? Before I could regain any semblance of the ability to speak, Tuck had turned on his heel and strode towards the kitchen. Had I actually hit my head? Was I now in some sort of coma-induced alternate universe where Tuck threatened to spank me? And why the hell did some part of me like the idea?

      I was clearly in some sort of hunger-induced brain misfire. That was the only reasonable explanation. I did all kinds of crazy stuff when I went too long without sustenance. Yes, those crazy things were generally something like eating an entire pan of brownies in one sitting. They weren’t typically the burning desire to climb one of my best friends since birth like a tree. But hunger could make you do lots of insane things.  

     Tuck emerged from the kitchen juggling a plate with the largest sandwich I’d ever seen and a tall glass of what looked like apple juice. He came towards me with what I could only describe as a swagger. Had his hips always moved like that when he walked?  

     Don’t get me wrong, I knew Tuck was attractive. Hot even. I’d had the requisite crush on him throughout my middle school years and even into high school. But he had always treated me like a little sister. Someone he liked hanging with. But never once had he given me even a single hint that he was interested in more than friendship. And I’d grown up. I’d put him firmly in the big-brother category. So, why, all of a sudden, was my body reacting to him?  

     It had to be my dry spell. Could it even be called that if it was as dry and vast as the Sahara? I needed to get laid and stat. Because the last thing I needed was to fall for a guy who was a walking one-night stand.

Welp, she did it again. Every Catherine Cowles' book that I read somehow becomes my favorite.  Her stories are so powerfully woven that you feel every bit of them in your bones.   The vivid images that she paints with her words never cease to astonish me.
"This place was magic. The rocky range dotted with trees dipped down onto what looked like a sea of golden grasses before rising up again into a series of mountaintops."
Beautifully Broken Spirit is the third book in the Sutter Lake series and while each can technically be read as a stand-alone, I would definitely recommend that you read them in order to get the best experience.
This is the story of Tuck and Jensen and it's one that I've been most excited for since the beginning. Tuck is Jensen's brother's best friend and really, hers as well.  They have always had a very special bond but Tuck has placed her firmly in the friend zone because because of her brother and because he has no plans to ever settle with one woman. Jensen, the owner of The Tea Kettle, has two great loves--her nine year old son, Noah, and the wild mustangs that she has spent much of her life trying to protect and save and she has decided that's enough for her.  Some pretty intense things happen to threaten both of these loves and that ends up pushing Tuck and Jensen together even more until their feelings can't be held back.

These two have a lot of past issues that keep them pretty fearful of any romantic relationship and I loved watching them fight that fear and learn to trust in not only each other, but themselves as well.
 "Love is always a risk. There's no way around it. He'll hurt you. You'll hurt him. One of you might lose the others. But it will also be so beautiful, the light of it so bright, it'll outshine all of the dark."
I adored the whole Jensen family, though I think Grams will always be my favorite. They truly show what it is to have that unconditional love that can only come from those closest to you. The scenes with Tuck and Noah just hit me right in the heart.  The suspense was great--I was kept guessing until the very end. I devoured this in one day and highly recommend it! I have such a fondness for these characters and this town and am excited to see what comes next in Sutter Lake. 

About Catherine
Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she's not writing she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.
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