Monday, October 21, 2019

BLOG TOUR AND REVIEW -- Weight Expectations (Cipher Office #1) by M.E. Carter


Hilarious, engaging and relatable, I started laughing out loud from the first page” -- Kristin Vayden, bestselling author

Weight Expectations, the first in the romantic comedy Cipher Office series of standalones, from M.E. Carter is available now!

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Rian Thompson thought she joined the gym to get healthy. Little did she know she was about to add hundred and ninety pounds of swoonworthy abdominal muscles and arrogance to her life.
Every day in Rians’s life follows a predictable pattern, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s got a nice job, a nice place to live, and a nice family—even if they are a little wedding-zilla-ish at the moment.
She doesn’t need anything spectacular to be happy. She just needs to get healthy—mentally, physically. . . and maybe spiritually if that happens. But she’ll settle for two out of three until her sister finally gets hitched.
Carlos Davies thought his life was perfect. Little did he know it was about to be turned upside down by a woman who is not his type.
In Carlos’s mind, his life is damn near perfect. He’s got a great job, a great place to live, and a great stash of pick up lines that always work. It has occurred to him that maybe no one actually takes him all that seriously. But with these bulging biceps and thick, dark hair, does that even matter since he’s never sleeping alone?
Welcome to Weight Expectations, where great—and unexpected—things happen.
'Weight Expectations' is a full-length contemporary romantic comedy, can be read as a standalone, and is book#1 in the Cipher Office series, Knitting in the City World, Penny Reid Book Universe.

I'm really having a great time with all these Smartypants Romance Books!

Great Expectations is the first book of the Cipher Office series and takes place in Penny Reid's Knitting in the City World. If you've read the Knitting in the City series, you'll recognize some people. Don't worry if you haven't, it's a stand-alone.

I really enjoyed this one!
Okay, first of all--Weight Expectations is the name of the gym--how cute is that?
Anyway, Rian (pronounced RYAN) joins a gym to get healthy. Let me say that again--she joins the gym TO GET HEALTHY. This is important to me because this is not a book about a fat girl who loses weight and the hot guy then notices her and they fall in love. This is a book about a plus-size woman who finds love while basically discovering herself, much of that through going to the gym to improve her health.

This is a lot different from other M.E. Carter books in that it's a slow burn with very little sexy times. There's not a lot of interaction between the hero and heroine until the second half of the book and weirdly, that was okay with me. The author takes the time to build the characters and really show us who they are as individuals and it built my anticipation of when and how they would end up together. It just worked for me.

I loved Rian! She's snarky with a odd sense of humor that I can relate to. She's open and honest and just a fun person to be around. One of my favorite things about this book is the banter between her and her trainer, Abel. They had me giggling throughout the book. Her inner dialogue was also hilarious.
"There it is. The death machine. Otherwise known as a treadmill by people who think walking but never getting anywhere is fun."

And then, there's Carlos. A lot of people aren't going to like Carlos. He's hot and he's vain. He's a man-whore. He's unapologetically single and wants to stay that way. I have mad respect for him. He's honest with what he wants and he picks women that feel the same.
"I like my lifestyle but I also don't want to disrespect anyone by pretending I can give them what they want. And I don't want to waste their time on me when who they're looking for is out there somewhere."
I liked Carlos. I mean, he had his issues but who doesn't? And at the end of the day, honesty is a big deal for me. I also feel like he had a lot of growth in the book and he was easily redeemed in my eyes.

This was a book of self-discovery. As Rian and Carlos become closer, they both uncover some truths about themselves and I felt like I was a part of that journey. With a great cast of characters, it was witty and funny and just left me with a smile on my face. I'm looking forward to the next book! 

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About M.E. Carter
My name is ME Carter and I have no idea how I ended writing books. I’m more of a story teller (the more exaggerated the better) and I happen to know people who helped me get those stories on paper. I love reading (read almost 200 books last year), hate working out (but I do it anyway because my trainer makes me), love food (but hate what it does to my butt) and love traveling to non-touristy places most people never see. I live in Houston with my four kids, Mary, Elizabeth, Carter and Bug, who was just a twinkle in my eye when I came up with my pen name. Yeah, I’ll probably have to pay for his therapy someday for being left out.
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